Porn Landscapes


Based on 2D-graphics a 3-D environment is generated which the user can stroll through. Based on different perspectives the recipient can take, the scenario is formed new permanently. Once it’s pornographic then it’s justa harmless landscape. Using a software which was developed by the artist himself pornographic pictures are converted to 3D landscapes. The visitor can discover these landscapes by using a joy stick and receive an impression. Two classical subjects (eroticism and landscapes) are synthesised and are merged into this young medium of computer games. Gaming technologies are predestinated for remediation and therefore one of the most effectice form of expression. This project demands the cognitive skills of its visitors to range the impressions correctly because this project shows in a microcosm that our media scene can be shown as a very complex form. In the virtual world time apparently has no meaning and many scenes are happening simultaneously. That means for example that borders between profession, genres and other disciplines obliterate successively and form an intersection. This develeopment offers some opportunities of course and releases some synergies. It shows how apparently contrary positions can converge. Get into it and spend some time to analyse this consideration.

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